This project is a seafood market stall prop complete with boxes and bowls of fish and other seafood. 20 Individual seafood items also included. Ideal for background decoration and outdoor market environments
Market stall table, Market stall frame,
5 Other stall items:
Cutting board, Scales, Weight, Knife, Barrel
19 Boxes, bowls and other items:
Cut salmon on board, Lobster tail box, Mackerel box, Mussel box, Oyster bowl, Plaice box, Roe box, Salmon steak box, Salt cod box, Sardine box, Smelt box, Squid box, Swordfish box, Trout box, Octopus barrel, Crab barrel, Hanging catfish, Hanging snapper, Hanging tuna
20 Individual seafood items:
Crab, Lobster tail, Mackerel, Mussel, Oyster, Octopus tentacle, Plaice, Salmon steak, Single Salt cod and 2 salt cod stacks of different height, Sardine, Smelt, Squid, Swordfish, Swordfish steak, Trout, Snapper, Catfish, Tuna
Kayzaart Seafood Market Stall
Number of textures: 47
Polygon count of Stall table: 124
Polygon count of Stall frame: 3k
Polygon count of Barrel: 536
Polygon count of Cutting board: 100
Polygon count of Scales: 506
Polygon count of Weights: 108
Polygon count of Knife: 206
Polygon count of Board salmon: 244
Polygon count of Crab barrel: 3k
Polygon count of Hanging catfish: 896
Polygon count of Hanging snapper: 496
Polygon count of Hanging tuna: 580
Polygon count of Lobster tail box: 2k
Polygon count of Mackerel box: 1k
Polygon count of Mussel box: 796
Polygon count of Octopus barrel: 4k
Polygon count of Oyster bowl: 1k
Polygon count of Plaice box: 590
Polygon count of Roe box: 1k
Polygon count of Salmon steak box: 340
Polygon count of Salt cod box: 936
Polygon count of Sardine box: 1k
Polygon count of Smelt box: 1k
Polygon count of Squid box: 1k
Polygon count of Swordfish box: 400
Polygon count of Trout box: 710
Polygon count of Catfish: 684
Polygon count of Crab: 1k
Polygon count of Lobster tail: 594
Polygon count of Mackerel: 244
Polygon count of Mussel: 126
Polygon count of Octopus tentacle: 1k
Polygon count of Oyster: 106
Polygon count of Plaice: 196
Polygon count of Salmon steak: 72
Polygon count of Salt cod: 140
Polygon count of Salt cod stack 1: 300
Polygon count of Salt cod stack 2: 420
Polygon count of Sardine: 80
Polygon count of Smelt: 80
Polygon count of Snapper: 284
Polygon count of Squid: 362
Polygon count of Swordfish: 306
Polygon count of Swordfish steak: 28
Polygon count of Trout: 144
Polygon count of Tuna: 384
Number of meshes: 46
Number of prefabs: 46
Rigging: x
Animation: x
UV mapping: x
Unity package file is 22.8MB
All materials are albedo material
all texture types are default
All materials have smoothness set to 0.1